IFF ACT - Interfaith 2003 ~ 2008 ~ Australian Capital Territory

Summit by the Lake, 2008

Lakeside Summit 2008
Summit 2007
Multi Faith Garden
Climate Change
Summit 2006
Summit 2005
Contact Us
Multicultural Festival

Welcome to Ngunawal Country
Kinship with the Ngunawal Land

Click to submit email to support IFFACT Interfaith Garden Proposal. (See below for details)

Agnes Shea
United Ngunawal Elders Council

2008 Interfaith Gathering in the ACT Theme:
Towards Healing our Relationship with the Environment

Embrace Love
Johnny Huckle

Common Ground Exhibitions
Christine Watson

Acknowledge Traditional Land Owners
Terry Quinn

Link to Text of Readings shared by the Spiritual Traditions (Z - A):

Readers from texts of the IFFACT Spiritual Traditions (A - Z):

Thamo Sritharan

Brahma Kumaris
Robyn Horton

Willie Saranayabe

Alma Armstrong

Shiva Sabihi

Bill Arnold

Dean Sahu Khan

Sathya Sai
Mark Durr

Sikh represented by
Vernon Bailey

Sukyo Mahikari
Karlis & Sarah

Canberra Islamic Centre
Ahmed Youssef

Prof. James Haire

'Spirit Man'
Johnny Huckle

Environment, Mediation and Healing Garden proposal:
Request for support.
The Interfaith Forum of the ACT (IFFACT) has been working for the past 2 years to establish an environment meditation and healing garden in the ACT on a portion of public land in Canberra.
The garden proposal came from the desire of IFFACT members to work on a project together, and at this pressing time of global climate change to translate IFFACT’s commitment to respect and care for our environment and follow sustainable lifestyles into a physical garden where people of all walks of life may come to get in touch with or meditate on their connection with the environment.
An important aim of the garden is to recognise Indigenous Australian spirituality/ies as equal to those of the major world religions and to welcome Indigenous people to use the garden for their own meditation and reflection on land. In this way, we hope to contribute to the healing of relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and among all our faith groups, at a spiritual level.
The site is also to be developed as a facility allowing patients from the Hospice to be seated in a natural environment, and their visitors, for meditation. ACT Palliative Care Society Inc. is cooperating with IFFACT to help make this possible.

Interfaith Forum of the ACT (IFFACT)
Environment , mediation and healing Garden proposal

Over some months IFFACT has been in dialogue with the ACT Hospice, ACT Palliative Care Society Inc. and the ACT Government about the choice of site. We offered the final choice to the United Ngunnawal Elders Council, who have affirmed their general support for the project and nominated  the small area just east of the ACT Hospice as first choice.

On behalf of IFFACT we are now proceeding to obtain a number of letters of support for the project from the constituent Faith Groups of IFFACT and from community leaders of organizations who would like to see this project come to fruition. We are meantime proceeding to get the last details of the design of the garden finalized.  

IFFACT invites you to respond with a letter from yourself or your faith group, expressing

  1. your faith group’s general awareness of and agreement with the project
  2. your agreement with the nomination of the site east of the Hospice as first choice
  3. and if appropriate, an expression of commitment of your group to participate actively in the establishment and maintenance of the garden.
 We believe this series of letters should help the ACT Government to give our request serious and positive consideration.

We would be happy to receive your response in the form of an e-mail, either personally or on behalf of your group, or a more formal letter from an office-bearer – as you see fit. We hope that such a letter could be forthcoming sometime in the first 2 or 3 weeks of April.

We are happy to discuss or give any further information if you need it. See Contacts page to submit support and to contact Vernon Bailey for more information or use the email link below:

Submit support for the IFFACT Interfaith Garden

IFF ACT is supported by members of Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian Denominations, Muslim, Sikh, Baha'i, Sathya Sai, Brahma Kumaris, & Sukyo Mahikari communities.