Program of Interfaith Festival Activities
Link to Interfaith Festival Photos
Morning Session (10.00 am – 12.00 noon)
Short speech by Ms Giulia Jones MLA. Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Baha’i Devotional Meeting, the ACT Baha’i Community
Introduction to ‘Raja Yoga Meditation’ followed
by meditation, Panna Patel, Coordinator, ACT Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre
Brief introduction to Zen and its practices, such as sitting
and walking meditation, Soto
Zen Group
Presentation of Hymn Singing as an integral part of Tongan Christian worship, Toe Tatalanoa Congregation, City Uniting Church
Presentation about how Hindu Puja is performed
Demonstration of how and why Muslims pray the way they do
of Gurbani Kirtan (devotional singing), Sikh Community
Demonstration of the Jewish rite on the eve of the Sabbath, Janet Frommer, National Council of Jewish Women.
Meeting for Worship, Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
Devotional singing by Canberra Sathya Sai Organisation
Spiritual practice of 'Giving Light', Canberra Sukyo Mahikari Community
remarks by Senator Gary Humphries Senator for the ACT.
& refreshments (12.00noon – 1.00pm):–
Guitar & Vocal interlude, Peter
Afternoon Session (1.00pm – 4.00pm):- Interfaith Symposium on
‘How Can My Spiritual Tradition Contribute to
Community Partnership for the Future’?
1. Welcome and
Introduction by Dean Sahu Khan – Chair of Canberra Interfaith Forum)
2. Importance
of Interfaith dialog by Senator Kate Lundy Senator for the ACT
3. Opening of
Interfaith Symposium - Ms Joy
Burch MLA, Minister for Multicultural Affairs
4. Dean to invite representatives from faith groups:
Senator for the ACT
Senator Kate Lundy
for Multicultural Affairs
Ms Joy Burch MLA
Dean Sahu Khan
Chair of Canberra Interfaith Forum
Chair of ACT Aboriginal & T S I Elected Body
Dr Natalie Mobini
Brahma Kumaris
Ms Robyn Horton
Ven Tenpa
Rev Gregor Henderson
Ms Jayanti Gupta
Mr Ahmed Youssef
Ms Simcha Udwin
Pagan Awareness
Mr David Garland
Ms Shobha Varkey
Sathya Sai
Dr Mohan Bhullar
Link to Sikh Singing |

Mr Amardeep Singh
Sukyo Mahikari
Mr Paul Taylor
4. Question and Answer
session, get involved in Q & A
5. Conclusion and Summation / Vote of Thanks – Rev
Ivan Roberts / Mr
Harry Oppermann